Friday 13 September 2013

The Aesthete hits the track

The Aesthete's Fleet

The Aesthete's dreams occasionally lurch into lurid fantasies of competition, ironic when I can't keep the current fleet registered, WOFed and on the road when all they get is a gentle flogging up to Central Otago from time to time. The actual cost of serious racing does not bear thinking about, as the parade of money hungry projects through Wonderboy's workshop attests. Even so, here are some ways in that offer pleasure without penury.

1964 Volvo 122S. Imagine the Aesthete as the Swedish chef on the Muppet Show to gauge my response to this rather superb Amazon. The scaled down Chrysler lines have weathered the years far better than the models that replaced them and this one has all the expensive pieces of kit that you would need for the Targa or other gentlemanly (or ladylike) track pursuits. The price seems completely reasonable for such a capable classic rally mount.

For: Yah, dot's nice.
Against: Don't resist. Just buy it.
Investment potential: 6/10

1972 BWM 3.0 CS. Or you could finish this immaculately prepared CS racer and scare yourself completely witless. Offered with a choice of potent power plant and gearbox combinations, it has the look of a project that, for some doubtless sad personal reason, must be sold despite the vast sum of money that has been forked into it. So now you can exercise your own fantasies of track domination until your bank manager reaches into his desk for his revolver.

For: Vorsprung durch dirty big engine.
Against: Are you a race mechanic? May I suggest Wonderboy might like to assist?
Investment potential: 3/10. Any race car is a money pit but this looks more than viable.

1993 Porsche 968 Clubsport.  I know I featured this car recently but it was in another context altogether. If you want factory reliability in a race car that is drivable on the road, you have few options but to buy a Porsche. At a nudge over 40K, this is value but it will need a roll cage for serious work and that would be a shame. You choose.

For: Immaculate and capable
Against: Poseur image.
Investment potential: 1/10 and diminishing if you start using it.

BMW 2002Tii. I don't wish to sound like a snob but it is probably not smart to buy an old race car from someone with missing teeth and living in a caravan in Clinton. Better by far the North Shore where no one is worth less than a million and they can afford the upkeep on something like this smart 2002 Tii. The owner fitted a new factory engine which has done 5000 KMs and sounds honest about the car's minor flaws.

For: Just right for getting around in the middle of the pack.
Against: You will probably not be satisfied with that.
Investment potential: 1/10. This has been for sale for ages so bargaining skills may be called for.

Begg Daimler 250. The Aesthete squares the circle with this classic New Zealand built single seater that was built around Edward Turner's brilliant alloy V8. Rarely has something so good arisen from such disparate origins but it was typical of the approach of the day. Comes with a Chevrolet V8 for 'reliability' so one might assume the Daimler is feeling a bit tired. You could go out and find a Majestic Major motor for it.

For: Local and significant piece of history.
Against: Arguably better ways of spending 80K
Investment potential: If you could afford it you should not give it a thought. For everyone else 0/10.

Bargain of the year so far...

1975 Citroen CX. I usually keep this spot for off-shore treats but just look at this. Bidding has crawled to a desultory $1240 for this ravishing early CX with the highly desirable red cloth interior looking like a Verner Panton installation (Look him up). The rest of the car is more than presentable and someone needs to buy it right now as the owner seems not to have a clue.

For: Oh, that interior definitely.
Against: Not a top line model but so what.
Investment potential. 7/10 if you can get it for that.

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