Cars, girls' names, cocktails and songs
Brevity rules [Who is Brevity, I hear you ask?] Never mind, just listen to the great Bentley Rhythm Ace while you browse this week's selection.
1948 Riley RMB I have written about these cars in previous lists, the main emphasis on looking past the 1930s looks to the excellent dynamics and high performance. There is very little else in the class of the big Riley if you want to go long distances and keep up with your sister-in-law in the Camry. The vendor's pitch is just right and I would trust him to describe the car truthfully. For: Buy with confidence: Against I cannot see much.
1957 Jaguar Mk8 3.4 Saloon Opportunities to acquire unrestored two-owner 1950s Jaguars do not arise frequently so this made me sit up and take notice. These cars cost a fortune to put right if neglected in the body or trim areas. Mechanicals are a different matter. A spot of re-commissioning and you would really have something special to show off at the Jag club. For: Just the way you would want to see one presented. Against: Auto and no sunroof but that is how it came.
1962 Jaguar E-type Coupe 'Chrome wire wheels' the vendor says, possibly the least informative pitch in Trade Me Motors history. This early E has all the right features including a fabric sunroof for those hot days that now only occur in the lower South Island. 72K is still a lot of money but low for a well restored 3.8 litre car. I would like to have more history but this is intriguing. For: The best colour and trim combination on one of the best looking cars in the world. Against: I love a good mystery, but...
1973 Citroen DS23 Possibly the best way ever invented of traveling over the Earth's surface apart from the Vulcan Railcar. Once again, all Citroen caveats apply. A bad example will only break your heart and the bank, in that order. This carb version may not have the liveliness of the injected models but who wants do do more than waft about in one of these? For: Science wedded to art. Against: Regular use is required, lest high pressure hydraulics become no pressure hydraulics.
1976 Bentley T-Series Taciturn vendors seem to be the rule this week with the owner of this rather nice Bentley only offering 'Rego on hold'. I wondered if Reg was in the boot but no, the tool kit is displayed and there is no sign of a body. 12K is reasonable if the car can be vinned with little trouble but a bad one must be avoided. For: Never mind the quality, feel the width. Against: A bit more money would buy a good one so inspect carefully.
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